About Alberta's Nonprofit Sector

The nonprofit sector ensures that Alberta has creative, diverse and prosperous communities.

It touches every Albertan’s life in some way.

The nonprofit/voluntary sector is a crucial part of Alberta’s community fabric.

With more than 25,000 active organizations, the sector is diverse, organized, self-governing, and continually evolving. The sector is comprised of a continuum of organizations that range from informal, volunteer-based with no formal resources to organizations with paid staff, abundant resources, and structured legal forms.

Facts & Figures

• The nonprofit/voluntary sector contributes $9.6 billion in revenues to the Alberta economy.**

• Albertans donated 262 million volunteer hours to the nonprofit sector in 2013*

50% of Albertans over the age of 15 volunteered in 2013*

• Albertans gave an average of 161 hours of their time to the nonprofit sector in 2013*

• Alberta's nonprofit/voluntary sector consists of over 25,205 charities and nonprofit organizations**

*From the
General Social Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, Statistics Canada
**From Alberta Culture & Tourism

Be Part of Co-Creating a Strong and Resilient Nonprofit Sector 

Our network brings together organizations of all sizes and scopes to collectively address provincial-wide issues. In all we do, ABNN strives to be inclusive and relevant to all nonprofit organization and maintain a provincial perspective.

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